Thursday, December 21, 2017

Scales of Sonic Armor

Dragon woven into terrestrial kindred 
bound to the rising day, a slow rate of decay
Thrust into motion between electromagnetic
fingers, we reach out for a trunk of life, rolling 
beneath the undertow of a silent domain,
on to reveal multifaceted pupils arrayed
glittering and dilating and contracting

at different fluctuant rates, where no sound escapes
but the chaos of motion incurs interwound melodies
corrosive and sweet, and supposed to be able
to lull you to sleep in the stable of dreams deep  
in the currents flowing through arteries and veins
an electrostatic plasma executing an ancient order
recalcitrant to the strains imposed by stellar polarity
whipping up a froth of molecular chains starbound 
to rise from a bed of sand grains and open our eyes.

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