Saturday, January 26, 2019

Pinion Song

Rocking back synapses fire
Carpel clutching occipital
Instinctive reflex insulation
Wired behind the eyes

Cushioned for maximum
Reflective action forward
And backward & between
Launched into sky flights

Along a pinion wing
Abreast of the front runner
Ahead of the courtesan king
Abroad in the aim of the hunter

In penetrating thighs of good
measure by inch at a time
an effortless pleasure to slip
in and out of with such ease

On the Sun-dogged breeze
struck into bright iridescence
Refracting pink and orange light
through the platinum cloud vapor

Traces long evaporated in the glare
of the blinding pupil sinking slowly
Into the depths of the deep blue sea
the eyelid closing shut for you and me

Tossed and lost in fallen flight musing
Riding many a gust of wind choosing to
Pirouette on a spot of good fortune
Hiding a penny from the skinned