Saturday, September 8, 2018

Octave Waves

One world gone life
Above before beyond below
Imagined increments gathering deadliness
Divinity infinity proximity vicinity
Venerate generate congregate tolerate
Seventh heaven peasant kingdom
Born from torn drum
Beating bleeding feeding seeding
Congregate replicate duplicate simulate
Fraternity uncertainty hesitancy eternity
Communication insinuation intimidation assimilation
Axiogenesis biodiversity ejaculatory cryptozoology
Circumlocutionary exteriorization incompatibility industrialization
Unidirectionality autobiographitically deanthropomorphisation indistinguishability
Artificiality electromagnetism indiscernability mischaracterization
Anthropological computerization extraterrestrial decentralization
Accidentally complimentary demoralizing demonology
Biologic abberation decomposing calculation
Abstracted technical kinetic variance
Freedom fortune hazard setback
Grown stood blood form
Learning fury burning jury
Instigate consummate tournament ornament
Particular meticulous incendiant delirium
Satisfactory heliocentric immaterial parallelism
Radiological originality overpopulation reproductivity
Overenthusiastic multiculturalism internationalistic justifiability
Tetrahydrocannabinol hyperemotionality xenobacteriologic dodecadodecahedron

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The Devouring Serpent

by Shaun Lawton (lyrics for Wrathspawn)

             art by Drew Roulette

 Far beneath the cutting prow
darkness unfurls kept at bay
above the wretched surface howls
 a storm protects the day

 the wind laughs above
a whiplash cracks eyes open
fingers clutch the occipital 
 clouds darken the mind 

 as pressures shift and flex
swum up quickly from the depths
Leviathan awakens next
 blinking open wide for us

 Stacked and interlocked
plugged in connections
signals mostly block
 revelations for inspection

 Electromagnetic skies
turn our heads and bend the mind
connecting pulses up the spine
 welcome the dragon divine

Return Shortly
for another poem in
Fantasy and Science