Friday, March 29, 2024

Night Mare Over Dream Begun

 by  shaun  lawton 

   At last the travel we no longer need to another star system begins to bleed into our consciousness one idea at a time filling up our fountain just to keep us in a line so we can build our own mountains one neighbor at a time here in my dark garden in the middle of the night I can be granted a pardon for refraining from the fight so long as I go about my business giving it no mind and while my dreaming deepens and I begin to find a shadow of my reflection in the turbulence undermined I will follow the direction that pulls against my mind I can let a forest of purple flowers grow around me only to drown me in my own garden where you can find me so beg my pardon I'm all about my meditation sitting free in liberation. Seated in my garden in silent contemplation I begin to laugh thinking of the search for extraterrestrials when all along we're living here together on this singular planet spinning in suspension in elaborate equilibrium with a balancing process that accounts for our existence and acts as the ballast of our lives. It's enough to cause me to want to awaken and open up my weary eyes so tired from dreaming that hard for so long that the decades began dulling the prize until I stopped to remember that long lost September that had fallen behind the event horizon far enough ago to have been quite forgotten until we had gotten reminded the day that you died and all the other days our other friends followed after until the few who remain will not dare complain about the bright lives we have left in our eyes as the Sun keeps shining reflected in the pining for all the adventures of yore but the truth remains sharpened upon the stone of our senses and cooled by the rushing laughter of a brook coursing over boulders and pebbles and rocks that do whisper and chuckle come on in the water's fine, come on in the water's fine for this is the trick that brought about language when the first people tried to mimic the course of their rivers passing down mountainsides with runneling tongues pushing the narrative of their ongoing stories sliding by and reflected on the articulate wind howling in the nighttime making it difficult to fall asleep while we toss and mumble at a loss as we stumble forward through our neverending dream.  

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

So Far In There Away

In massive formations
 of temperature cooling
The planetary surface 
tension of equilibrium
Balancing to boil in 
a stewpot of the maelstrom 
To core down so deep 
into the hole as to be rendered
Far away and smaller 
than possibly imagined 
In there as gone inside 
as one can get to be lost
Yet in time it will one day 
be our turn to shine on

Octohaloed Orrery

Amid a glittering swarm 
of gyrating bodies
The combined multiplicity
 of orbits intertwined
All which generate 
variants of the elliptic 
And across distances
 analogous to the Oort 
Aligned in a woven
 tapestry of motion 
Forming a vortex
 from the inside out 
A pocket blossoms
 into a stabilized spin 
Thus is born our
 own solar system 

Friday, November 8, 2019


Particle blossoms collapse on the border
lining the threshold between you and me
all of us embodied in a moment conducted
into the river of our dream's currency

all of which is to say in much more
words than are needed to convey
the singular feeling of being here before
we've matured forever be that as it may

seeking the same experiences and feelings
exchanging sensations with so many friends
living through all those wheelings and dealings
a transformative cycle that never ends

extraordinary and passionate recollections
begin in our memory which slowly descends
down into the subconscious where power lies
and the magnetic recharging never quite ends

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Pinion Song

Rocking back synapses fire
Carpel clutching occipital
Instinctive reflex insulation
Wired behind the eyes

Cushioned for maximum
Reflective action forward
And backward & between
Launched into sky flights

Along a pinion wing
Abreast of the front runner
Ahead of the courtesan king
Abroad in the aim of the hunter

In penetrating thighs of good
measure by inch at a time
an effortless pleasure to slip
in and out of with such ease

On the Sun-dogged breeze
struck into bright iridescence
Refracting pink and orange light
through the platinum cloud vapor

Traces long evaporated in the glare
of the blinding pupil sinking slowly
Into the depths of the deep blue sea
the eyelid closing shut for you and me

Tossed and lost in fallen flight musing
Riding many a gust of wind choosing to
Pirouette on a spot of good fortune
Hiding a penny from the skinned

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Octave Waves

One world gone life
Above before beyond below
Imagined increments gathering deadliness
Divinity infinity proximity vicinity
Venerate generate congregate tolerate
Seventh heaven peasant kingdom
Born from torn drum
Beating bleeding feeding seeding
Congregate replicate duplicate simulate
Fraternity uncertainty hesitancy eternity
Communication insinuation intimidation assimilation
Axiogenesis biodiversity ejaculatory cryptozoology
Circumlocutionary exteriorization incompatibility industrialization
Unidirectionality autobiographitically deanthropomorphisation indistinguishability
Artificiality electromagnetism indiscernability mischaracterization
Anthropological computerization extraterrestrial decentralization
Accidentally complimentary demoralizing demonology
Biologic abberation decomposing calculation
Abstracted technical kinetic variance
Freedom fortune hazard setback
Grown stood blood form
Learning fury burning jury
Instigate consummate tournament ornament
Particular meticulous incendiant delirium
Satisfactory heliocentric immaterial parallelism
Radiological originality overpopulation reproductivity
Overenthusiastic multiculturalism internationalistic justifiability
Tetrahydrocannabinol hyperemotionality xenobacteriologic dodecadodecahedron